
VLT-900 Electric Fowler Bed

It is a medical-surgical bed designed to be easy to use, without sacrificing advanced features that make day-to-day care of acute patients easier. With features that simplify the routine for nurses and caregivers, it guarantees maximum patient safety, while facilitating and encouraging mobility.


Design. Comfort. Resistance. Durability.

Vallitech beds are designed and manufactured to ensure that day-to-day use in the hospital does not cause premature and/or permanent wear to the equipment.
They are produced with a high quality carbon steel structure, coated with electrostatic paint and designed with the help of finite element engineering software, which simulates the stresses and strains of severe use within a hospital.
With these results, it is possible to predict and reinforce the main points of demand, giving the product a much longer service life.
They are tested exhaustively in the laboratory and at the factory to guarantee an extended service life of 10 years, without noise, vibrations or deformations.

The VLT-900 bed was developed to fit the dimensions of hospitals in general. It has a short length and width, which makes it easier to transport and reduces the space needed for its use. These characteristics, combined with its low height, make it easier for patients to use and for nurses to handle. Grids with high dimensions provide greater safety, reducing the risk of falls and allowing the use of mattresses with greater heights, within the normative safety standards. The grid movement mechanism requires less space to operate, while still reducing the lateral spaces required. It has an abdominal compensation system in the back (double pivoting axis), which reduces abdominal pressure when moving the dorsal section.


The bed has 4 sections and can be made from painted sheet steel or blown high-density polyethylene (removable for easy cleaning). It has vents for ventilating the mattress, specific points for restraining the patient along its entire length and hooks for collection bags.


Removable, blown in high-density polyethylene.


Articulated, blown in high-density polyethylene, with unlocking and articulation mechanisms towards the side of the bed, moving only 6.5 cm to lower the rail, using a reduced lateral space. Its height of 40 cm from the bed provides greater safety for the user. It has built-in indicators for the angle of inclination of the back and trendelemburg.


Powered by electric motors, controlled by membrane keypads on the side rails (internal and external). The control on the back is optional. Through the internal membranes, only the movements of the back, legs and night light are accessible to the patient. On the external nursing side, it is possible to control all the bed's movements, as well as programmed positions such as armchair, self-contouring, trendelemburg, reverse trendelemburg, as well as individual blocking of motor functions.


Central brake pedal system with directional wheel located near the foot of the bed, with optional individual brakes on the castors.

Label 235 - 250 kg

Inmetro ce Invima
Total length 2.19 m (± 0.01 m)
Total length with extender (optional) 2.50 m (± 0.01 m)
Width with rails up 0.99 m (± 0.01 m)
Height variation 0.37 m - 0.75 m (± 0.01 m)
Mattress platform 0.86 m × 2.00 m (± 0.01 m)
Degree of maximum back 70º (± 5º)
Maximum degree of leg 30º (± 5º)
Trendelenburg 15.5º ± 2º
Reverse Trendelenburg - 15.5º ± 2º
Height of the rails from the mattress platform 40 cm
Maximum mattress height indicated 16 cm
Maximum safety load 250 kg
Abdominal compensation when lifting the back section
(double pivoting axis)
12 cm ± 2 cm
Grille lateral clearance when retracting (lowering) 6,5 cm
Castor dimensions 100, 125 and 150 mm
Brake system Central pedal (standard)
or individual on casters (optional)
Round 5 Optional
Mechanical and electronic CPR Yes
Radiotransparent back (x-ray) Optional
Bed extender (31 cm) Optional
Oxygen holder Optional
Removable headboard and footboard Yes
Heart position button Standard
Rotating bumpers on the 4 corners of the bed Standard
Socket for IV support on the 4 corners of the bed Standard
Night light Standard
Back degree indicator Standard
Trendelemburg and reverse Trendelemburg grade indicator Standard
Membrane keypads on the grilles Internal and external (standard)
Headrest (optional)
Wired control (optional)
Collection bag holder Standard
Bed Painted sheet metal (standard)
ABS (optional)
Location for patient restriction Standard
Self-contouring Standard
IV stand Optional
Keyboard on the bed Optional
Patient exit alarms Optional
Seated Patient Alarm Optional
Skin pressure alarm Optional
Fall risk alarm Optional
Brake activated alarm Optional
Back alarm 30º Optional
Nurse call Optional
Minimum height indicator Optional
Remote monitoring Optional
Single foam mattress Optional
Double density memory foam mattress Optional
Food 100 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz
Battery backup Yes
Protection against water IPX4
Regulatory standards IEC 60601-1
IEC 6.0601-2-52
IEC 60601-1-2



The connectivity system has been developed for remote monitoring of the bed directly at the nursing station.

With the help of sensors, protocols were pre-set directly on the bed processor, allowing for better control in reducing patient falls, care times, nursing calls, patient positioning in bed, degree of back inclination due to lung problems and decubitus change intervals in order to provide greater comfort and avoid complications due to prolonged immobility, such as: decompressing areas of bony prominences, preventing lung complications and pressure ulcers and stimulating circulation.

When the protocols are activated, the bed monitors their functions and if any changes are detected, an audible alarm in the bed and a pop-up on the monitoring screen in the nurse will be initiated.

Points monitored: rails, brakes, bed height, presence of patient in bed, patient lying or sitting, weight, back inclination and decubitus change time.


An LCM (liquid crystal module) display built into the grid, with special graphic controllers, in color and with touchscreen interaction, supports the graphic interface. Operation is intuitive, making it easy for caregivers and the Clinical Engineering team to visualize the bed's status.

It offers visualizations of patient information, such as back angle, trendelenburg and reverse, and activation of medical care protocols. Any changes detected will trigger an audible alarm in the bed and a pop-up will be shown on the display indicating which protocol has been activated.
On beds with integrated scales, a history of the patient's stored weights, BMI (body mass index) calculation, zeroing and tare of the scale will be shown on the display.

The maintenance status of the bed can be monitored via the Clinical Engineering screens, which provide information such as battery voltage and charge level, limits, currents, overloads, usage time, the ageing factor of each of the motors and the status of each of the bed's sensors.



High-density polyethylene hinged side protection rails, certified to the new ABNT NBR IEC 60601-2-52:2013 standard, which standardizes patient safety measures such as: minimum rail height of 220 mm (above the mattress) covering more than 50% of the bed, spacing of less than 60 mm between the side rails and between the headboard/sideboard and the side rails, openings built into the rails/headboard/sideboard smaller than 120 mm and other spacing to avoid trapping the neck, chest and head. It has a mechanism for unlocking and moving the bed sideways, allowing it to be lowered into the bed, facilitating patient transfer and avoiding problems with probed patients.


Abdominal compensation system designed to reduce pressure on the patient's abdomen, where a 110 mm offset in the back is made during movement.




Blown high-density polyethylene bed. High resistance and durability, combined with ease of cleaning due to its removability. Easy and immediate access for maintenance, cleaning and disinfection tasks: detachable bed.



Lateral movement with cushioning. Amplitude: 6.5 cm. MEMBRANE WITH ALARMS: Only available for systems with connectivity.




VLT-900 Grid Control and Supervisor

Grid and Supervisor Control (Optional): allows you to control grid locks and bed functions in the supervisor position.

VLT-900 Datasheet (Portuguese)

VLT-900 Technical Data Sheet

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